Stór opnunarsvæði lyftibifreiðarbúnaðar með festiballi með lyftara
Features *Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. *Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. *Ribs provide secure grip and giver driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. *Regenerative hydraulic value for optimal am speed. *High-strength all-steel structure design, always of high efficiency under continuous operation, good effect. *E-slot in the overall framework to improve the stability of product, to extend the longevity of product. *Reasonable design, nice outlook, using the world's most high-quality hydraulic components. Specification Capacity/ Load ...

Efni meðhöndlun búnaðar 2ton TB röð rúlla bretti vörubíll handvirkur bretti stafari Pappír rúlla klemmu möppu
Vöruupplýsingar 1-2ton rafknúinn brettastaflari RAFBRÉTASTALLARINN EIGINLEIKUR TB röð brettastaflara í stýri, burðargeta: 1000-2500 kg, hámark. lyftihæð: 4500 mm, notað fyrir bretti með einu andliti; 1. Með EPS stýrikerfi, auðveldara í notkun; 2. Rafræn hemlun; 3. Til að nota greindar hleðslutæki, greindu sjálfvirka afgangsorkuna og fínstilltu hleðsluferlið, án handvirkrar notkunar og lengja endingartíma rafhlöðunnar á áhrifaríkan hátt; 4. Hraði takmarkaður fyrir háa stöðu, til að forðast möguleikann á að vörur velti þegar háhraði ...

Forklift með birgjum fyrir festingu við balaklemma
1.Applications: -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales. -High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. 2.Features & Advantages -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. -Ribs provide secure grip and give driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. -Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed. -Excellent driver visibility ...

3T lyftara með viðhengisballaklemma
OPTION: As a professional manufacturer of forklift, we also can offer you customized service, The following items are optional: Container mast, for example, 2-stage full free mast of 3m, 3-stage full free mast of 4.5m Side shifter, fork positioner, longer forks, fork extension For the details of customized configurations and options, please contact with us. VMAX professional service will be impressed on you. OTHERS: A: Date of delivery: 30days after received the deposit B: Payment terms: T/T(30% deposit, balance paid ...

Kína Vökvakerfi Duglegur gaffalbúnaður viðhengi Fjölnota klemmu
Forskriftir Vökvahagkvæmar lyftarafestingar fjölnota klemma MOQ: 1 eining Efni: stálframleiðandi Vökvavirkur lyftarafestingar fjölnota klemma FUNCTIONS & APPLICATION Fjölnota klemma getur á skilvirkan og hagkvæman hátt meðhöndlað nánast hvaða pappírsöskju sem er, tréöskju, málmöskju og balað vörur án vinnupalla þar á meðal tóbak, dagblaðapappír, efnatrefjar, verkstæði og höfn osfrv. EIGINLEIKAR: Reyndur varanlegur T-geislaarmur og ramma úr áli. Endurnýjandi vökvalokur fyrir hámarkshraða handleggs Yfirburða armrennilega legur fyrir lengri endingartíma Vúlkanaðar gúmmípúðar ...

Duglegur vökvakerfi snúningsbala klemmu fyrir lyftara
Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including contton,wool,synthetic,textile bales,corrugated,newsprint,rag,hay,metal and other scrap bales.High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. Application: -Used to handle bales or blocks -Lateral sliding arm design for smooth clamping and sideshifting functions -Found in paper mills,paper converters,recycling industries and any other industries that needs to handle bales -Come in wide range of opening and arm lengths -Standard C-series Bale Clamp to handle normal bales like waste ...

2.5. Ton Bale Clamp með hliðarskiptum
Vörulýsing 2.5. Tonn baggaklemma með hliðarfærslu (G04S25) Upplýsingar um lyftarafestingar - Pappírsrúlluklemmur eru með hástyrktar stálbyggingarhönnun, 360 tvíhliða snúning og fallegt útlit Baleklemmur Notkun: Notað við brettalausa meðhöndlun á kvoða, bómull, ull , pappírsúrgang og aðrar teygjanlegar og vansköpaðar aðgerðir. Eiginleikar: Harðgerð bygging úr öllu stáli, uppfyllir kröfur um stöðugan rekstur með mikilli skilvirkni. E-style-slot ramma veitir framúrskarandi stöðugleika og lengri endingartíma. Sanngjarn hönnun með áreiðanlegum hágæða vökvahlutum í heiminum. Vöruröð: Ekki hliðarfærslur ...

2.2ton Bale Clamp fyrir The 3ton Forklift
Vörulýsing 2,2 tonna balaklemma fyrir 3 tonna lyftarann (G04R22) Upplýsingar fyrir lyftarafestingar - Pappírsrúlluklemmur eru með hástyrktar stálbyggingarhönnun, 360 tvíhliða snúning og fallegt útlit Baleklemmur Notkun: Notað við brettilausa meðhöndlun á kvoða , bómull, ull, úrgangspappír og aðrar teygjanlegar og vansköpaðar aðgerðir. Eiginleikar: Harðgerð bygging úr öllu stáli, uppfyllir kröfur um stöðugan rekstur með mikilli skilvirkni. E-style-slot ramma veitir framúrskarandi stöðugleika og lengri endingartíma. Sanngjarn hönnun með áreiðanlegum hágæða vökvahlutum í heiminum. Vöruröð: Ekki hliðarfærslur ...

Bale Clamp Forklift viðhengi Úrgangspappír Bale Clamp
products introduction bale clamp can handle various forms of soft packs such as cotton, textile, wool, pulp, waste paper hay and industrial scrap and other soft items for paper making, chemical fiber, waste paper recycling, port and other industries without pallet handling and stacking operations in a safe and efficient way. specification bale clamp d-series sideshifting catalog order no. capacity @ (kg@mm) mounting class opening range (mm) arm height (mm) arm length (mm) arm thickness (mm) vertical center of gravity ...

Forklift fjölnota klemmu
Specifications Hydraulic efficient forklift truck attachments multi purpose clamp MOQ: 1 unit Material: steel manufacturer Hydraulic efficient forklift truck attachments multi purpose clamp FUNCTIONS & APPLICATION Multi purpose clamp can efficiently and economically handle almost any tyoe of paper carton,wooden carton,metal carton and baled products without workplatform including tobacco,newsprint, chemical fiber,workshop and port,etc. FEATURES Proven durable T-beam arm and aluminum alloy frame constructio Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life Vulcanized rubber pads ...

Snúningur margnota klemmu
A revolving multi-purpose clamp is a type of forklift attachment used for handling and transporting various types of loads. It is designed to securely clamp onto loads and allow for easy and efficient handling and transportation. This type of clamp is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries. The revolving multi-purpose clamp works by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. The hydraulic system is controlled by ...

Hliðarskipting fjölnota klemma
A sideshifting multi-purpose clamp is a type of forklift attachment that is used for handling and transporting a wide range of loads. It is designed to securely clamp onto the load and allow for easy and efficient handling and transportation. This type of clamp is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries. The sideshifting multi-purpose clamp works by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. The hydraulic ...

Forklift froðuklemmu
Notkun Lyftaraklemmafesting gerir lyftara kleift að verða fjölhæfara og skilvirkara verkfæri til að meðhöndla efni. Tegundir 1. Balaklemmur eru framleiddar til að meðhöndla bómull, ull, gerviefni, rusl úr stáli og næstum hvers kyns öðrum baggavörum án þess að þurfa bretti (td: bómull) , ull, úrgangspappír, klút). 2. Frauðklemmur fyrir lyftara geta séð um og stafla hvers kyns bómullarvörum, þar með talið gúmmíi, efnaiðnaði og efnatrefjum osfrv. 3. Fjölnota klemmur geta séð um næstum allar tegundir af pappírsöskju, tré ...

Forklift Carton Clamp til sölu
Supply Forklift Carton Clamp Our company can supply a wide range of bale clamps for all applications; pulp, waste paper, cotton, tobacco, foam and more. A variety of capacities, opening ranges and arm finishes will ensure that you get the right model for your application. Forklift Standards 3.0Ton Diesel Forklift Truck 2 stage , Hydraulic transmission (Automatic), 1.22M fork, China Engine 490BPG,Penumatic tyre, Maintenance Free Battery. Seat with safety belt & steady bar Warning light Options Mast: 2-stage 3.3m/3.5m/4mmast; 3-stage4.5m/5m/5.5m/6m/7.3mmast ...

Festing á öskju fyrir 3t lyftara
Selling Point 1. Chinese Automatic Transmission With TCM Technology Improves Operator's Efficiency, Responding Rapidly And Smoothly. 2. Intelligent Buffer Design Avoids Sharp Collision And Minimizes The Risk Of Damage During Lower Of Loads, Wide-view Mast Also Provides High-visibility To The Operator 3. High-Capacity Aluminum Radiator Is Designed For Efficient Thermal Transfer Fin And Oil Cooler For The Transmission Torque Converter, Assists In Improving Iongevity Of Engines. 4. Wide Range Of Diesel, Gasoline, And LPG Engine Options Specification Of Forklift origin ...

Topp gæði öskju með klemmu
Kostir lyftarans okkar 1. Wide View Mast, Vökvaskipting 2.Xinchai vél, ISUZU vél, NISSAN vél og Mitsubishi vél osfrv. 3.Staðlað bakstoð 4.Langlífsdekk,Toyota sæti 5.TCM Tækni 6.Flott útlit,Sterk uppbygging 7.Hliðarskipti, gaffal staðsettur,blokkir,balaklemmur osfrv. Myndbönd Athugasemdir 1.Viðskiptaskilmálar:FOB,CFR, CIF eru í boði. 2.Afhendingartími: innan 25 móttekin greiðsla. 3.Pökkun: Nakinn, með gámi 4.Ábyrgð: 2000 vinnustundir eða 12 mánuðir. Flýtiupplýsingar Ástand: Nýr upprunastaður: Fujian, Kína (meginland) Vörumerki: HUAMAI Gerð: Knúinn bretti Aflgjafi: Jafnstraumsmótor Hleðslugeta: 3000 kg Hámark. Lyftihæð: 4250mm ...

2.7 Tonn fyrir festinguna við gaffalbúnað
Functions&Applications Forklift attachments pulp bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton ,wool,synthetic,textile bales.corrugated,newsprint,rag,hay,metal and other scrap bales.High efficiency and economy to handle in without platform condition. Features -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminium frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended servicelift. -Ribs provide secure grip and give driver good tip handling and pulp bale clamp spinning capabilities. -Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed. -Excellent driver visibility . Options -Custom opening ranges -Custom arm ...

Festingartæki fyrir aukabúnað Pulp Bale klemmur
Product Description 3.5ton diesel forklift truck 1. Seat on type opertaion; 2. Engine option: ISUZU, NISSAN, XINGCHANG,YANMAR; 3. 3-6M lifting height, duplex/triplex/container mast; 4. Different lengths forks and solid tyres is optional; 5. Wide vision mast, soft and comfortable design. Character 1. Strong Power System 2. Wide-view Mast 3. Unique Overhead Guard Design 4. Low Non-slip Pedal 5. Adjustable Safety Seat 6.Solid-state LCD Digital meter 7. Eco-friendly Design 8. Adjustable Steering Wheel specifiction Videos Our Services forklift attachments pulp bale ...

Bifreiðarbúnaður í 3. flokki bómullarbalaþvinga með 575-2150 mm
Forklift cotton bale clamp is used for handling of various forms of soft bales safety and efficiently, such as cotton, textile, wool, pulp, waste paper, hay and industrial scrap material, widely used for handling and stacking without pallet in papermaking, textile, chemical fiber, waste paper recycling, ports and other industries. Specification Note 1)Please get the actual comprehensive carrying capacity of forklift/attachment from the forklift factory 2) Requires a forklift to increase the additional 1 sets of oil. 3)The arm thickness ...

Festing á gaffalbúnað með balklemmu
Features *Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. *Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. *Ribs provide secure grip and giver driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. *Regenerative hydraulic value for optimal am speed. *High-strength all-steel structure design, always of high efficiency under continuous operation, good effect. *E-slot in the overall framework to improve the stability of product, to extend the longevity of product. *Reasonable design, nice outlook, using the world's most high-quality hydraulic components. Specification Videos Options ...